How To Flirt – Flirting Signs for Men (that women use)

How To Flirt - Flirting Signs for Men (that women use) 2

You already know… Rejections can be both received and handed out. It is not uncommon for women to be the ones receiving rejections. You can be sure that they don’t like it and even resent it. You have probably seen flirting signals from a lot of women, but you didn’t know it. What are those women thinking now? They are mad that you didn’t see their signs. You just had to ask them out. There are also many women who were just being friendly with you and you thought they were flirting. Perhaps you even asked them out, which could have created a frustrating situation.

What’s the solution?

One of the ways that men online encourage is to overcome rejection. They tell you to not care about other people and to have fun with women. Their logic is simple. Women also have emotions. It sounds absurd, but it can be very emotional for women to be hounded on when they don’t want to. They don’t know you. You might think they’re trying to get you by acting nice when you reject them. She’s protected if she says no in rude ways. She then feels guilty for treating you so poorly.

Learning how to flirt is the best solution. This will ensure that 99% of the times you attempt to meet a woman are successful in flirting. Before you made a move, she was already interested. You made her more curious by reading all of her signs. A man who speaks “flirtese” is a favorite among women. It’s a rare skill nowadays. Let’s get started, shall we?

There are many signs that women use to indicate interest. Some even differ from one woman to another. For one woman, “interested” may mean “just being friendly” to another. You might be wondering what the solution is. The 90/10 rule is the same as it is in every other aspect of life. This simply means that 90% of your knowledge will give you 90% of your results. Therefore, I will only focus on the primary signals that indicate interest at descending priority levels.

1) Her eyes:

It’s almost impossible to control for any human being, male and female. It’s almost like we feel compelled by the need to keep looking at what interests us. She will look at you if she is interested in you. When you speak to her, she will look at you longer than normal people talking.

You can test it by talking to your girlfriend and keeping eye contact with her. If it becomes strange, or you start looking away from her, don’t stop looking. Move past the moment when it feels strange to look while listening or talking. If she is holding on, it’s likely she is interested. If she turns away, you can make a judgment if it is shyness or noninterest. You can repeat the test if you aren’t sure. Trust me, even the most shy girls can maintain eye contact if they’re interested. If she fails the test three times, it’s not an indication that she is interested. It’s not shyness or playing hard-to get. Move on.

2) Proximity:

A woman who likes you will feel drawn to you when she feels connected to you. You will find that she is more comfortable sitting or standing close to you than with us. Compare the feeling of her standing close to you to see if it’s normal. Are you standing as close to her speaking and standing as other people, or are you the only one?

You can test it by standing next to your friend, speaking or sitting down, and noticing how far apart you are. This is your instinctual distance. Now you want to push it a little. You can move in a little closer, maybe just an inch. Move slowly, not at once. Find a reason to reduce the distance. It is intrusive to move more than that. An inch can be a coincidence, so it’s fine. What is her reaction? Is she able to move away or does it suddenly make her uncomfortable? This is the best part. She will feel the need to move.

She will not conciously think, “Oh creep, let’s move on!” This is the beauty of this subtle test. There is no conscious rejection. You can combine the eyes test with it, or move an inch more if she doesn’t react badly. You can continue this process until she doesn’t like it (moves off), or responds with smile. Although it might not be a smile you will be able tell when she is using the “Oh ya! I like you too” expression.

3) Touch (bonus sign).

Flirting can take the form of touching or touch. You should focus on her personality. If she is naturally touchy-feely, she will be constantly touching people when she speaks to them. You’re the one she’ll touch if you are the only one she can find excuses to touch you.

Combining these three is the key. Each of these three is not 100% solid. The eyes thing is correct 90% of time and the proximity 70% of the times. You can be sure she is interested if you get all three. Any girl who has any interest in the subject matter will be able to pass the eyes and proximity tests. There is almost no chance that she will be interested if she fails to pass the eyes and proximity tests. Touching is a nice bonus sign.

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