These are solo sex tips by for women. We know better than women who love to claim that they don’t masturbate. Masturbation, which is something most women do at some point in their lives, is normal. Masturbation is good for your health as well as your sex life. So, anything you can do to make it more enjoyable will be a bonus!
These are five masturbation tips for women that will make you want to run for the bathroom.
Calling George Clooney and Brad Pitt and Other Fantasies
Whatever your favorite fantasy girl/boy, fantasizing can make masturbation more fun. You can think back to a time when you had sex, or imagine sex with someone you like. This helps you feel more awake and helps you focus on the pleasure. Your fingers and sex toys can mimic your fantasies to kick it up a bit. Imagine yourself in a heated, intense petting session with Tatum. Imagine Tatum Channing touching your skin and you are imagining that he is touching you. Please!
Stimulate your G-spot
Masturbation involves getting in touch and understanding your sexual self. It’s a great bonus that it feels amazing in the process! You can find your G-spot in a solo session and stimulate it for some serious orgasmic fun. A G-spot vibrator can be used to stimulate your G-spot. Your fingers are usually good enough. Because they hit the spot exactly right, these vibrators make G-spot stimulation very easy.
Get a little visual stimulation
Masturbation and sex are not just for men. Girls love porn and sexy pictures too. Consider the scenarios that appeal to you and find an adult DVD or magazine that offers those types of situations. USB sticks are also available (Fleshdrive being one example) that can store up to 500 videos and are discreet.
More Than 50 Shades
You can find thousands of anthologies and books on the market that will stimulate your brain and take masturbation up to a whole new level. Read a few pages in a book before and after masturbation.
Mirror Mirror on the Wall
Masturbating is a very sexy activity. You can enjoy the mirror view while you touch yourself. You’ll feel more confident and sexier if you do this with a partner. Accept your body and embrace it!