What Do Men Really Want in a Dating Woman?

What Do Men Really Want in a Dating Woman? 2

What are the qualities that men look for in a partner in sex? Some men want a beautiful princess to give gifts and others prefer a wild adventurer. Although we men may all try to find a female partner that suits our individual personalities, there are certain natural qualities almost every man desires for the women in his life.

Communication Skills

While it is easy to behave like a mature adult when everything goes well, it is important that you and your partner can communicate clearly and maintain a calm demeanor when things get rough. A man doesn’t appreciate a woman who is insecure and reacts emotionally to things, or who later releases negative energy.

Supportive, Open Mind

You don’t like bullfighting, ice fishing, or Pauly Shore movies as much you do? Smart men will realize that they don’t have to share all their hobbies with their partner. A smart woman will try to support her partner’s interests. Even if you don’t like Encino Man much, showing a little passion for your partner’s “passion” can make a huge difference.


It is important for a woman to get along with her husband’s family and friends. This is not only to prevent tension from arising but also because it is so enriching to see loved ones bond and share a joke. This includes not being too attached to his platonic female friends. Before you jump to conclusions, it is important to understand the context.

Strong Friendships

It is always better for partners not to share a single social life. This will allow them to spend more time together than they have to. A guy does not want to be treated selfishly by his friends when he is out with them; he wants his lady to have a great time with hers.

Healthy Baggage

All have emotional baggage. There is nothing wrong with a woman making mistakes or experiencing trauma. It’s just how those past experiences affect her perceptions and interactions with the outside world that matters. Bad experiences can help build character. A good woman will accept herself and be thoughtful about her past. A man who is good will be patient and open-minded will do well.


Although we don’t want to be babied by men, most guys appreciate a loving woman who makes her man happy. She doesn’t have to be subservient, but a romantic man will enjoy doing nice things for her and it’s important that she puts in as much effort as her husband.

A Sense Of Self

Confidence is the most important thing. A mature woman will be attracted to a man who is confident in herself and knows what she wants. It’s a big turn-on for guys when a woman values herself, and has a strong sense about herself.


These are great examples of intelligent, secure men looking for a woman. But don’t try and be someone you aren’t for the sake of a man! It is important to know what you sound good on paper and what you feel in person. This includes finding a man who appreciates you as you are.

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